Some musical items don't automatically play back in Finale.TGTools->Modify->Playback can prepare the following items for playback:
  • note-attached glissandi (via pitch-bend or fingered)
  • hairpins
  • trills (requires articulation or smart shape trill: )
  • articulation tremolos and percussion diddles
  • Make sure you read the comment on Playback Notes on this page. They need to be hidden, and TGTools can only do this automatically with Finale 2002 or above.
  • Whereever possible, glissandi should be note-attached. Use measure-attached glissandi if the glissando goes into a different direction from the following note.
  • After you've created them all, run the plug-in. Choose whether they are to be fingered glissandi, or (if unchecked), they are pitch-bended glissandi.

Pitch-bended glissandi

  • The plug-in adds pitch bends as continuous data. To see the results, use Finale's MIDI Tool, and set it to display continous data (Pitch Wheel).

  • For the glissandi to play back correctly, the synthesizer's or sound card's bender range needs to be set. With the default options, the plug-in will add the required MIDI events automatically. Since this is necessary only once per staff in a file, you can turn the option off for the second and following glissandi. The bender range is normally 12 so that each glissando's maximum range is one octave.

  • To remove pitch-bend playback data and undo the effect of this plug-in, use the Mass Mover tool's menu command Clear Items->Only Selected Items->Measure Items->Continuous Data.

Fingered glissandi

  • For playing back fingered glissandi, the plug-in adds playback notes to another layer. These notes are visible by default, and it's currently up to you to hide them. They cannot be hidden individually using the speedy entry command because then they're not played back. Make sure the option to 'individually hide playback notes' is off (it's in the More... dialog).

  • Playback notes can be hidden in one of several ways:

    • Finale 97/98: Apply Alternate Notation/Invisible Notation

    • Finale 2000+: Apply a Staff Style with invisible layer

    • or, in any version of Finale, if you only want to see notes in layer one in the whole document, select "Show active layer only" from the View menu. Note that this option applies to printing as well.

  • You should uncheck some of Finale's Layer Options so that the playback notes don't affect your music's stem directions and rest placement.

  • This plug-in makes smart shape hairpins play back regardless of any text expressions. In other words, dynamic markings other than hairpins do not play a role for this plug-in.
  • Hairpins will play back thru MIDI volume changes, while dynamic markings usually affect key velocity. When the file is played, both these layers work together to form the actual loudness of a tone.
  • After you've created the hairpins, run the plug-in.

Volume Changes

  • The plug-in adds gradual volume changes as continuous data. To see the results, use Finale's MIDI Tool, and set it to display continous data (controller no. 7 / volume).

  • To remove volume changes and undo the effect of this plug-in, use the Mass Mover tool's menu command Clear Items->Only Selected Items->Measure Items->Continuous Data.


  • The plug-in tries to guess the optimal volume change values automatically. The underlying principle is this: a crescendo from p to f will usually result in the volume going from 64 to 127. But, the final note that has the f attached is set back to a volume of 64 because it's strengthis given by the key velocity that is programmed in the f expression. It doesn't need a volume of 127 in order to sound loud.
    When, after this crescendo, another crescendo starts, say, from f to ff, the volume changes will again go from 64 to 127.

  • This strategy might not always give optimum results since the interaction of volume and key velocity is a complex one. Let me know if you have a file where it doesn't.

Trills, Tremolos, Percussion Diddles
  • Trills require smart shape trill symbols above the notes: , or a tr articulation.
  • Set these options before applying the plug-in:
    • are three-slash tremolos unmeasured (like trills)?
    • Trill speed (trill notes per quarter note - only for unmeasured tremolos and trills)
    • Start trill after what percentage of duration - only for unmeasured tremolos and trills:
      (set to zero if you want the trill to start immediately)
    • Start trill with upper note? - only for trills
    • Force trill interval (semitones) - only for trills
      If this field is empty, a diatonical trill will be made. If you want to force a semitone trill, enter the number 1 here. Version 1.81test3 no supports trills with lower notes (-1, -2 etc.), as well as repetitions (interval 0).

Playback notes

  • For playing back trills and tremolos, the plug-in adds playback notes to another layer. These notes are visible by default, and it's currently up to you to hide them. They cannot be hidden individually using the speedy entry command because then they're not played back. Make sure the option to 'individually hide playback notes' is off (it's in the More... dialog).

  • Playback notes can be hidden in one of several ways:

    • Finale 97/98: Apply Alternate Notation/Invisible Notation

    • Finale 2000+: Apply a Staff Style with invisible layer

    • or, in any version of Finale, if you only want to see notes in layer one in the whole document, select "Show active layer only" from the View menu. Note that this option applies to printing as well.

  • You should uncheck some of Finale's Layer Options so that the playback notes don't affect your music's stem directions and rest placement.