The TGTools INDEX v2.09


This index lists all TGTools functions in relation to certain keywords, and then shows which menu item to use. For example, à Modify>Shift would mean that you will find the function you need by going into then TGTools menu, then Modify and then Shift.



beautify positioning before fourths, fifths, and sixths à Modify>Shift

check, unfreeze, add extra à Music>Accidentals

fine-tune position before notes with ledger lines à Modify>Shift

shift right ends of glissandi before à Modify>Shift



search and modify (change noteheads, erase, hide, show, resize)
can be used to prepare playback of quarter-note music

à Modify>Special Modifications


Analyze Music (for parallelisms) à Miscellaneous>Analyze



align dynamics by converting to text expressions

à Modify>Align/Move

resolve collisions with slurs à Modify>Slurs

transfer metatools between files à Modify>Transfer


Auricle à Miscellaneous>Auricle Import



Baselines à Lyrics>Reset Adjustments, Baselines


Bars à see Measures



break à Music>Beam Breaker

create brackets above à Modify>Special Modifications (Durations tab)

remove angle adjustments à Modify>Remove

remove stems & beamsà Modify>Remove


Beat Charts à see Spacing


Bends à see Glissandi



create above beam groups à Modify>Special Modifications (Durations tab)

à see Groups, Parentheses


Browser for Text Expressions à TGTools>Browser (Windows only)



Character Sets (Mac<>Windows) à Miscellaneous>Character Set Conversion



custom chord styles (DO RE MI / Bb-H-H#) à Miscellaneous>Custom Chord Styles

search and modify (change noteheads, erase, hide, show, resize)
à Modify>Special Modifications


Classical Eighth Note Beams à Music>Beam Breaker



find possible errors (enharmonic oddities) à Miscellaneous>Find



Complementary Rhythms

improve spacing of à TGTools>New Spacing



Crescendos à see Hairpins


Cues à Parts>Add Cue Notes



Decrescendos à see Hairpins


Diamonds à see Harmonics



playback à Modify>Playback



calculate duration of music à Miscellaneous>Calculate Duration

divide note values in halves, inserting rests à Modify>Rests

insert rests by shortening notes à Modify>Rests

minimize number of rests (by extending preceding notes) à Modify>Rests

pretend different duration à Modify>Special Alterations



align / move à Modify>Align/Move

mass create hairpins à Music>Create Hairpins

playback à Modify>Playback

à also see Keyboard Shortcuts



Enclosures (of text expressions)

copy to other expressions,

remove à Modify>Enclosures


Encore (the following command is useful for imported Encore files)

convert measure-attached blocks to text expressions
à Modify>Expressions



à Music>Respell Notes

à also see Harp Pedaling



find measures with à Miscellaneous>Find

à also see Notes, Rests



use measure numbers to count sections à Layout>Special Measure Number Regions


Export music numerically à Miscellaneous>Export To Spreadsheet



align, move à Modify>Align/Move

browse à TGTools>Browser (Windows), TGTools>Select Text Expression (Mac)

convert measure-attached to note-attached à TGTools>Expressions

convert staff-listed expressions into per-staff ones à TGTools>Expressions

find in score à Miscellaneous>Find

modify definitions à TGTools>Browser (Windows only)

multiply horizontal positions with a number à TGTools>Expressions

remove multi-staff expressions from staves where the measure is empty
à TGTools>Expressions

remove unused definitions à Miscellaneous>Text Expression Sorter

repair measure expressions (for mass mover copying etc.) à Modify>Reset

select from sorted list
à TGTools>Browser (Windows), TGTools>Select Text Expression (Mac)

sort à Miscellaneous>Text Expression Sorter

transfer measure-attached expressions (with correct staff assignments)
à Modify>Transfer

transfer metatools between files à Modify>Transfer

à also see Enclosures, Keyboard Shortcuts




in Text Expressions à TGTools>Browser (Windows only)

List of fonts in document à Miscellaneous->Font Info




leave space for à Modify>New Spacing

playback (pitch bends or fingered) à Modify>Playback

shift right ends before accidentals à Modify>Shift


Grace Notes

ignore for spacing à Modify>New Spacing

position à Modify>Shift



transfer page graphics between files à Modify>Transfer


update optimized groups à Layout>Update Groups



Harp Pedaling

create pedal diagrams, add pedal changes,

respell enharmonics à Parts>Harp Pedaling



align / move / straighten à Modify>Align/Move

make horizontal over system breaks à Modify>Reset

mass create à Music>Create Hairpins

playback à Modify>Playback

repair (for mass mover copying etc.) à Modify>Reset

set opening widths à Modify>Reset

à also see Keyboard Shortcuts


Harmonics à Music>Harmonics


Hyperscribe à Music>Smart Split Point



Import Auricle Cue Files à Miscellaneous>Auricle Import


Incipits (a piece’s first few measures in a table of contents)

à Layout>Incipits


Instruments à see Groups, Layout, System Optimization



à also see Harmonics




user-defined shortcuts à TGTools>Options (Windows only)

à see Keyboard Shortcuts

à also see Metatools



Laisser Vibrer (l.v.) à Music>Laisser Vibrer



join rests in multiple layers à Modify>Rests

also see Parts



fit measures in specified number of systems à Layout>Fit Measures

join systems à Layout>Join Two Staff Systems

split system à Layout>Split Staff System

transfer measures attributes, locked measure groups, spacing, widths;
system margins, attributes
à Modify>Transfer

à also see System Optimization, Incipits


Ledger Lines

fine-tune position of accidentals before à Modify>Shift



improve spacing (esp. melismas) à TGTools>New Spacing

reset adjustments, baselines à Lyrics>Reset Adjustments, Baselines

shift centered lyrics (depending on punctuation) à Lyrics>Shift Lyrics

word extensions à Lyrics>Word Extensions

New Spacing also incorporates these separately available features:

correct centering of syllables under long notes à Lyrics>Shift Lyrics

left-align melismas à Lyrics>Left-Align Melisma Syllables

shift syllables on first beat à Lyrics>Move Syllables On Beat One



Macintosh<>Windows à Miscellaneous>Character Set Conversion



transfer system margins à Modify>Transfer



calculate duration à Miscellaneous>Calculate Duration

compare à Miscellaneous>Compare Entries

fill with rests à Music>Fill With Rests (fills beat-wise)

fit in specified number of systems à Layout>Fit Measures

measure expressions à see Expressions

set widths à Spacing>Measure Widths

transfer attributes, locks, spacing, widths à Modify>Transfer

use measure numbers to count sections à Layout>Special Measure Number Regions

à also see Layout, Spacing, Incipits



improve spacing à TGTools>New Spacing

left-align à TGTools>Lyrics>Left-Align Melisma Syllables



browse à TGTools>Browser (Windows only)

modify à TGTools>Browser (Windows only)

transfer between files à Modify>Transfer


Midi Note Numbers  à see Playback


Music Spacing à see Spacing




New Spacing à  see Spacing


Note Spacing à see Spacing



avoid extra space for notes that exceed a measure’s duration à New Spacing

center notes equal to the measure’s duration à Modify>Shift

center whole notes in relation to other notes à Modify>Shift

compare à Miscellaneous>Compare Entries

convert to rests à Modify>Remove

divide note values in halves, inserting rests à Modify>Rests

note expressions à see Expressions

position grace notes à Modify>Shift

pretend different duration à Modify>Special Alterations

remove horizontal displacements; adjustments of stem position & length, beam angle à Modify>Remove

remove stems à Modify>Remove

search and modify (change notehead, erase, hide, show, resize)
à Modify>Special Modifications

search and replace pitch classes à Modify>Replace Pitches

à also see Enharmonics, Harmonics, Laisser Vibrer, Playback, Spacing, Split Point, Tremolos, Trill Notes



Optimization à see System Optimization



Pages à see Layout, System Optimization


Page Graphics

transfer between files à Modify>Transfer


Page Text Blocks

transfer between files à Modify>Transfer


Parallelisms à Miscellaneous>Analyze



à Music>Make Parenthesized Trill Notes

à also see Harmonics



add cue notes à Parts>Add Cue Notes

compare (with score) à Miscellaneous>Compare Entries

extract one voice from multi-part system à Parts>Process Extracted Parts

find measures with entries à Miscellaneous>Find

harp pedaling à Parts>Harp Pedaling

join rests in multiple layers à Modify>Rests

smart distribution of notes in groups with multi-part systems
à Parts>Smart Distribution

smart explosion of multi-part systems à Parts>Smart Explosion



use l.v. noteheads à Music>Laisser Vibrer



à Music>Smart Split Point

à also see Tremolos



combine with rhythms à Music>Combine Rhythms And Pitches

bends à see Glissandi

search and modify (change notehead, erase, hide, show, resize)
à Modify>Special Modifications

search and replace pitch classes à Modify>Replace Pitches

à also see Harmonics



diddles, glissandi, hairpins, tremolos, trills à Modify>Playback

custom (change Midi note numbers for trills/tremolos & staccato notes,
alter note durations except when legato)
à Modify>Custom Playback

à also see Harmonics


Primary Beams à see Beams


Printing à TGTools>Print Multiple Files (Windows only)


Proportionality à see Spacing




break beams over à Music>Beam Breaker

center whole-measure rests à Modify>Rests (Shift tab)

convert notes to rests à Modify>Remove

fill measures with à Music>Fill With Rests (fills beat-wise)

insert rests by shortening notes à Modify>Rests

join rests in multiple layers à Modify>Rests

minimize number of rests (by extending preceding notes) à Modify>Rests

pretend different duration à Modify>Special Alterations

remove displacements à Modify>Remove

remove hidden rests à Modify>Remove

search and modify (erase, hide, show, resize)
à Modify>Special Modifications

split rests in two (for odd time signatures) à Modify>Rests



combine with pitches à Music>Combine Rhythms And Pitches

improve spacing of complementary rhythms à TGTools>New Spacing

à see also Durations




check for optimization errors à Layout>Staff List Manager

compare (with parts) à Miscellaneous>Compare Entries


Search And Modify (change notehead, erase, hide, show, resize)

à Modify>Special Modifications


Secondary Beams à see Beams



use measure numbers to count sections à Layout>Special Measure Number Regions


Shape Expressions à see Expressions



convert measure-attached to note-attached à Modify>Slurs

convert to ties à Modify>Slurs

increase slur height by a fixed amount à Modify>Slurs

mass-create à Music>Create Slurs

recalculate contour à Modify>Slurs

replace (change type of slur, such as dashed/normal) à Modify>Special Modifications

reset positioning à Modify>Slurs

resolve collisions with articulations à Modify>Slurs

use l.v. noteheads à Music>Laisser Vibrer


SmartScore (the following command is useful for imported SmartScore files)

remove hidden rests
à Modify>Rests


Smart Shapes

align / move à Modify>Align/Move

repair (for mass mover copying etc.) à Modify>Reset

replace (change type of smart shape) à Modify>Special Modifications



expand, compress (esp. partial measures) à Spacing Menu

leading white-space à Spacing>Modify leading white-space

lyrics, melismas à TGTools>New Spacing

make or remove space in measure à Spacing Menu

make proportional à Spacing>Proportionality

repair displaced trill notes à Music>Repair Parenthesized Trill Notes

set measure widths à Spacing>Measure Widths

simplify beat-chart à Spacing>Remove Extraneous Beat-Chart Handles

transfer beat-charts and measure widths à Modify>Transfer

TGTools>New Spacing includes these features:

·    avoid extra space for notes that exceed a measure’s duration

·    ignore grace notes for spacing

·    improved lyrics spacing (especially melismas, see Lyrics)

·    improved spacing for complementary rhythms

·    leave space for note-attached glissandi


Spelling à see Enharmonics


Split Point à Music>Smart Split Point


Staccato à see Playback


Staff Lists à see Expressions, Layout


Staves à see Groups, Layout, System Optimization, Parts



remove stems à Modify>Remove

remove adjustments of position & length à Modify>Remove


Strings à see Harmonics


Systems à see Layout, Parts, System Optimization


System Optimization

view, edit, copy, check for errors, add or remove instruments,
change staff distances
à Layout>Staff List Manager

update optimized groups à Layout>Update Groups

align instruments on left/right pages,
scale staff positions
à Layout>Scale Staff Positions

move to other systems à Layout>Shift System Optimization

copy to other systems à Layout>Copy System Optimization



Text Blocks

convert measure-attached blocks to text expressions
à Modify>Expressions

transfer page text blocks between files à Modify>Transfer


Text Expressions à see Expressions



convert slurs to ties à Modify>Slurs

use l.v. noteheads à Music>Laisser Vibrer


Time (calculate duration of music) à Miscellaneous>Calculate Duration



piano tremolos (create, modify, play back, remove) à Music>Tremolos

à see Playback



trill notes à Music>Make/Repair Parenthesized Trill Notes
à see Playback



Violin à see Harmonics



join rests in multiple layers à Modify>Rests

à see Parts


Volume (Midi) à see Hairpins



White-space à Spacing>Modify a measure’s leading white-space


Windows<>Macintosh à Miscellaneous>Character Set Conversion


Word Extensions à Lyrics>Word Extensions